
Foraging and I first encountered each other a very long time ago, when, aged two, I discovered the delights of eating worms straight from the garden. Although a few blackberrying expeditions followed, it was not till much later in life that I rediscovered the joys of free (yes actually FREE!) delicious food. Mainly, this was born of a resentment of spending hours under Mr Sainsbury’s strip lights and a vague idea of saving the planet, one plastic bag at a time.

As a pretty lazy forager, and fearful of poisoning my long suffering housemates, I’ve started with things that I hope I can identify without too much work. As the months go by, I’ll keep you updated with the delicious, (and dodgy) foods that I discover. I’m not an expert, so this blog is very much about discovering foraging rather than giving you my inexpert opinion.  Which is a good job, as I’d probably end up with some pretty serious cases of food poisoning and a lawsuit or two. So, don’t eat anything if you’re not 100% certain what it is, or that grows below dog height on well trodden paths.  It’s worth having a vague idea of the law before you do any serious foraging and to bear in mind that any websites I’ve linked to are just stuff I’ve found on the internet. Might be factual, might be fictitious, but I use them a lot and haven’t died yet. All suggestions, ideas and feedback (of the non litigious variety) very welcome!

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